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Category: Memory Care

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At What Age Can Dementia Set In?

A caregiver in a blue uniform assists an older adult in building colorful block structures at a table to help stimulate cognitive abilities for dementia care.

Dementia is a general term that refers to symptoms that affect memory, thinking, and daily functioning, often progressing over time. While dementia is most commonly diagnosed after age 65, it can develop as early as your 30s or 40s, depending on various factors. For families and caregivers, understanding dementia’s onset and progression is important for […]

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Communication Tips for Dementia Caregivers

A senior man sitting on the couch, smiling and looking directly at the camera

Dementia is term used to describe a person’s symptoms when their ability to remember,  communicate effectively, and perform daily tasks becomes impaired. For a caregiver, communication can be one of the most difficult aspects of dementia care. Communicating with a loved one with dementia requires patience, understanding, and kindness.  Some tips that can help dementia […]

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